You should attend this workshop ONLY IF
If you are originating lender in the co-lending arrangement
If you have already executed OR on verge of finalizing co-lending master agreement with any bank
If you are doing such arrangements directly without going through marketplaces
If you are handling operations or finance at the NBFC
If you are already aware of the day-to-day problems that you may face in managing co-lending
If you are confused on how will multiple LMS be managed
In this workshop we will cover
Generating right repayment schedules (3)
Handling day count convention difference - Bank follows Actual/365 but I follow 30/360
Creation of repayment schedule when loan has already started and bank confirms after a month or more
Handling of scenarios when the bank payment date is not aligned to the loans repayment date
Handling scenarios in receipts and rescheduling
What happens in case of short payment by the customer?
What happens in case of excess payment by the customer?
How does the receipt allocation work in such cases?
How to handle part pre-payment handled?
How to handle rescheduling events?
How is foreclosure handled?
Handling accounting
How to handle co-lending accounting?
Accounting in case of any rescheduling event
Bank recon​
Generating payout reports?
Managing dual LMS systems
Right solutioning for operationalizing co-lending ?
Should you get your current LMS modified to handle co-lending?
Should you replace your current legacy LMS with new age LMS supporting co-lending?
Should you buy separate LMS to manage co-lending and continue with legacy LMS for remaining products?
Should you deploy a separate LMS just for calculation purpose and continue using your legacy LMS for all loan products?
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